Vision Purpose & Values

Sketch by Loribelle Spirovksi from DARTS' Beyond Tick Boxes Symposium, June 2017

Our Vision

Arts and culture that reflect Australia’s cultural diversity.

Our Purpose

Diversity Arts Australia exists to advance cultural diversity within the creative sector in Australia through:

  1. Knowledge: Research and policy development

  2. Advocacy: Being a strong voice for diversity in the arts

  3. Support: Provision of professional services

  4. Development: Undertaking projects that promote diversity

  5. Networking: Connecting and brokering artists and arts organisations

Our Values

Diversity Arts Australia is committed to the following values that guide our practice:

  1. Inclusion: We believe in arts for everyone

  2. Diversity: We believe that diversity strengthens and invigorates arts practice

  3. Collaboration: We strongly believe in collaborating with artists, creative industries and audiences

  4. Participation: We believe participation engages a broader community of culturally diverse artists, audiences and influencers

  5. Empowerment/Self-Determination: We believe in pushing boundaries, creating conversations and challenging the status quo to affect transformation

“I want to know that I have been part of building a canon of work that challenges the mainstream…building of a whole community of artists and audiences for that work.”

Artist / Project participant

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