Would you like to be interviewed by Diversity Arts Australia?
As part of our relaunch, DARTS is developing content for Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, YouTube and Vimeo, along with a regular podcast and website profiling artists, creatives and arts organisations. We are working with culturally diverse creative types working in all mediums: filmmakers, visual artists, musicians, performers, writers, multimedia artists and arts organisations, from all around Australia. And we are hoping that you would like to be a part of this exciting initiative.
Our aim is to identify, celebrate and connect artists from culturally diverse backgrounds, and provide opportunities for collaboration and networking with small, medium and large arts organisations. We also want to learn from your experiences to help inform our own practice and strategies.
What does it involve?
We are conducting short (around 40 minutes) interviews about artists’ experiences practicing in Australia. We are interested in your creative work and inspirations, your history and experience, and your thoughts on diversity in the arts and how inclusive the Australian creative sector has been for you.
We will record the interview for our podcast and take some film footage and photos. We will also ask you to provide any photos or video you have of your work, and details of any upcoming shows, performances or other events or online links you’d like to promote. We will send you the profile before publication and address any comments you may have.
Please also feel free to pass this on to any other culturally diverse artists in your network.
If you’re interested in being interviewed, or you have any questions, please contact us and we will be in touch regarding a suitable interview time and location.