DARTS imagines a future where citizen artists overtake our most elite arts institutions and unfurl creativity across our communities without the permission of funders and gatekeepers. The Decolonised Arts Festival was an idea that came out of the broad imagining of the future hosted by Arts Front at Footscray Community Arts Centre in late November 2016. Kultour/DARTS led the diversity working group, with support from Frontyard, inviting the 36 participants to imagine what a decolonised culturally diverse arts landscape will look like in 2030 and to develop strategies to get us there. Read more about it here.
DARTS prepped for the session by running a Sydney-based futuring session on 7 November where we asked 16 people from diverse arts, community and cultural development backgrounds to step into the future to try to imagine how our arts and cultural landscape will look in the year 2030. Discussion ranged from alternative sources of arts funding to inclusivity vs exclusivity and the limitations of our current language.

This event has ended.