This event ended on 2 September, 2021.

What is the current state of diversity in today’s industry, and where do we go next? Why are diverse stories so important for our society, culture and economy?
The Australian screen industry has made huge progress in recent years in becoming a more inclusive and culturally secure place for historically underrepresented communities. Despite this progress some of the industry’s most structural barriers remain intact, preventing us from achieving equal representation on screens.
Join creative sector industry experts in Equity Foundation’s online panel “Changing the Story: Diversity in Today’s Industry.”
Moderator Pearl Tan along with guest speakers Lena Nahlous (Executive Director of Diversity Arts Australia), Michelle Law and Kate Hood, will discuss how diverse stories are changing the game for the screen industry. This will be Equity Foundation’s 2021 Screen Diversity Showcase panel discussion.
Grab a spot to attend ‘Changing the Story: Diversity in Today’s Industry’ by clicking the link below