What Are the Gatherings?
Initiated in 2013, the Gatherings introduce a new national model for sector development. We engage artists, producers, curators, presenters, producers, and policymakers to discuss the state of diversity in the arts. These laboratories have identified a range of critical issues for the sector. Although each location had its own specifics, some key universal themes emerge such as: access to resources, networks, and presentation platforms with opportunities for collaboration.
The Adelaide Gathering on 5–7 November 2015 was hosted by our co-organiser, Nexus Multicultural Arts. Local artist Alirio Zavarce facilitated Gathering activities, supported by Nexus and Diversity Arts. The Cairns Gathering on 20–21 November was hosted by our co-organiser JUTE Theatre Company. Local artsworker and multicultural community leader Olive Tau Davis facilitated Gathering activities, with support from Melissa Robertson, who documented and assisted, and from JUTE Theatre Company and Diversity Arts.
Read all about it
Kultour held successful Gatherings across Australia, beginning in 2013. Download our report on Kultour’s Gatherings across Australia in 2014 to read more.
How Do They Work?
We hold discussions with organisations separately from those with practitioners to enable frank and free dialogue within communities of interest before discussions – and likely, debates – between the two. This approach succeeds in getting rich conversation and understanding of the concerns, the potential – and the limitations of – organisations and practitioners in their separate and joint efforts to advance cultural diversity in the arts.
The Adelaide and Cairns Gatherings highlighted the sincere desire and openness of practitioners, organisations, and communities to dialogue and collaborate to advance cultural diversity in the arts. There was a general agreement that more work in this area must be done; but there was also a general agreement among participants to continue talking with each other, and to find ways to work together.
Our next Gathering will be held in Western Sydney.