Highly experienced trainers
All of our training programs are conducted by experienced trainers and specialists from CaLD communities. Guest speakers, practicing artists and arts workers and trainers from culturally diverse communities take part in programs as required.
By working with trainers from diverse cultures, arts organisations have the opportunity to work collaboratively with representatives from the communities they seek to engage, offering first-hand experience of the specific contexts, opportunities, and outcomes that can advance equity, diversity and inclusion in organisations.
Our program is led by the following experienced trainers:
Lena Nahlous CEO/Executive Producer, Diversity Arts Australia
Lena became Executive Director of Diversity Arts Australia in 2016. She has over 20 years’ experience in arts, cultural and media organisations, and has managed screen and digital media–based initiatives that have engaged thousands of people, particularly women, refugees, migrants and young people.
Lena was formerly the Executive Director of Information and Cultural Exchange (ICE) in Western Sydney for over 10 years. Under Lena’s leadership ICE grew tenfold financially and in terms of projects and scope. Lena established Artfiles, an employment and engagement program for artists, the Switch Digital Arts Centre and co-founded the Arab Film Festival. Other roles include Manager of Auburn Community Development Network and Social History and Exhibitions Curator at Fairfield City Museum and Gallery.
In 2006 she was a recipient of an Asialink Arts Fellowship to Hong Kong and in 2008 completed the Asialink Leadership program. She has sat on the NSW Government Arts Advisory Committee, participated in the Australia 2020 Summit, was a finalist in the CEO of the Year Awards (2008), and was named as one of Sydney’s 100 Creative Catalysts by Creative Sydney/VIVID (2007). Lena has taught at South West Sydney Institute of TAFE and was a special consultant on the Culture Beats program for the Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority and the City of Sydney. She also sits on the board of the Sydney Writers’ Festival.
Dr Paula Abood Fair Play Lead Trainer/Creative Producer
Artistic Director/ Editor/Facilitator/Trainer Paul